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Education Welfare Benefits - Pupil Premium and Free School Meals

Free School Meals and Pupil Premium - Count me in!

Services and Charges

We determine eligibility against DfE criteria for Free School Meals

We offer an online application process, as well as a paper form and assess new claims within three working days of receiving a valid application form. We issue letters to parents advising them of their entitlement and ensure schools receive details through daily and weekly lists.

Once assessed parents do not need to renew their claim. Their continued entitlement is checked on a half-termly basis through the Electronic Checking System. Paper proof of benefit is only required where it has not been possible to verify their entitlement through this check. Parents have four weeks to provide this evidence before their entitlement is stopped.

Fully funded for Maintained schools.

Chargeable for Academies.

Fixed price at £9.54 per eligible pupil.

The amount to be charged is determined using the most recent January PLASC data available at the time of entering or renewing the contract.

We provide a unique, one-stop service in respect of the assessment of all applications for financial assistance relating to Free School Meals to Academies.


Education Welfare Benefits Team

01223 703200