Our team provides guidance, consultancy, training and resources to support and enhance the health and wellbeing of children and young people and their learning. We work with schools in Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and further afield, in both the state and independent sector.
Our work includes the curriculum for PSHE and Citizenship: its content, approaches to teaching and learning, monitoring and assessment. We also support school leaders and staff to develop a whole school approach to promoting wellbeing, which includes the school’s ethos and values, policy development, staff training, pupil voice and home-school partnership work.
Schools are currently implementing Relationships Education (Primary), Relationships and Sex Education (Secondary) and Health Education. We are perfectly positioned to support schools in their journey towards meeting the new requirements.
We support schools in reviewing and developing policy and practice in a wide range of health related themes, including mental health and emotional wellbeing, drug education, relationships and sex education, anti-bullying, healthy lifestyles (including healthy eating), loss and change and citizenship.
We have worked in partnership with Cambridgeshire schools for over 20 years. We are particularly proud of our record of innovation and development, helping schools deliver the highest quality of PSHE and Citizenship.
Our resources include the highly regarded Cambridgeshire Primary Personal Development Programme, which provides a complete solution to planning, teaching and leading PSHE across the primary age range. We also provide resources to support secondary schools in planning a progressive programme for PSHE, including RSE and Health Education. We are always happy to talk to schools about their needs and advise in the best options to suit your current situation.
As well as providing resources for schools, we also offer a range of training opportunities for staff, governors and parents, both in school and out. CPD for staff is offered to cover all of our areas of work and can be tailored to meet your specific needs. We also offer sessions for parents, where you have identified a need to develop partnership working e.g. around Relationships and Sex Education or Drug Education.
If you prefer to attend a training course off the school site, we offer a full range of courses for those delivering and leading PSHE in school.