As well as offering a range of high quality resources for sale, we also offer, lead and support a wide range of programmes for schools, both in and out of Cambridgeshire. Our programmes enable schools to develop more than just their curriculum delivery and are focused on changing attitudes, developing skills and strengthening knowledge to affect real change in children’s lives. Many of our programmes involve working with partners in schools and with other organisations which aim to enhance health and wellbeing in our communities.
Primary Wellbeing Subscription
Cambridgeshire schools have had the opportunity to participate in our Wellbeing subscription. This entitles them to the most up-to-date version of the Cambridgeshire Primary Personal Development Programme , in school consultancies/a free course place and significant reductions on courses, in school training and Life Education Centre visits. Over 75% of Cambridgeshire primary schools have subscribed and over 65% are current subscribers.
Life Education Cambridgeshire
Life Education offers a unique learning experience for children from 4 to 11 years old with its carefully developed programmes in health and drug education, delivered in two mobile classrooms.
Life Education has been operating for nearly 17 years in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough and has been an outstanding success bringing innovative learning experiences, which deliver powerful and lasting messages for children.
Children are enabled to reflect upon their own bodies and what keeps them healthy and to think about and practise the skills that will keep them safe as they grow.
Promoting Health in Early Years Settings
This programme offers an audit, evaluation and review tool for improving wellbeing in EYFS settings. The thematic areas within the Promoting Health in Early Years Programme offers examples of good practice, which will support settings in providing opportunities to enhance children’s development in Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development and Communication and Language.
Health Related Behaviour Survey
The HRBS is a highly regarded, national survey of young people’s attitudes and behaviour. It is run by Schools Health Education Unit. Subscribing primary schools in Cambridgeshire are annually offered participation in the survey at a subsided rate. Secondary schools in Cambridgeshire participate in the survey every two years. We work closely with our colleagues in Public Health in facilitating the survey and ensuring that the findings impact on wellbeing in schools and the wider community.
Promoting Healthy Friendships
This curriculum intervention programme is designed to support the development of positive relationships between children. It supports them to explore the complexities of their friendships including why they sometimes fall out and engage in destructive behaviours such as relational aggression and bullying. The programme equips children to deal with difficulties between friends in an appropriate and constructive manner.
Conflict Resolution and Peer Mediation
This empowering whole school programme teaches all children how to use simple conflict resolution processes so that they can resolve minor conflicts peacefully and independently. The programme also enables schools to train peer mediators and establish a peer mediation service.