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Life Education Cambridgeshire

Life Education Classroom Cambridgeshire and Peterborough

Life Education Cambridgeshire and Peterborough works in partnership with Coram Life Education, a national charity serving the needs of children in the UK. We deliver ‘life skills’ based, primary drug prevention programmes to young people aged between 3-11 in mainstream and 3 - 19 in Special Schools. Our carefully developed, age-appropriate programmes are delivered in a high-tech mobile classroom. 

We have been working for over 20 years, in over 65 schools each year, engaging with approximately 14,000 children, their teachers, governors and parents/carers. LEC visits are planned with schools and support and enhance PSHE provision. The LEC classrooms provide an exciting environment with sophisticated audio and visual aids and use specially trained educators to deliver the programmes.

Cambridgeshire Primary and Special Schools who purchase our Wellbeing Subscription are entitled to significant discounts on their LEC bookings.

Please watch in YouTube for more accessibility options. - opens in a new tab

Our Programmes

We teach young people how amazing their bodies are and how the human body can be affected by drugs. Through the 'life skills' approach, children are enabled to practice the skills that will help them make good decisions. We also provide young people with the knowledge skills and self-confidence to enable them to make healthy choices. The programmes build progressively on previous knowledge and are evaluated through oral and written feedback.

Find out more about Cambridgeshire Drug Education and more general information can be found at Coram Life Education.


"The children were all very excited about the experience, chatting to each other afterwards. The visit of the Life Bus created a real buzz around the school – thank you! " A Class Teacher

"An excellent resource. My son came home hugely excited following the visit. Great that parents are able to look around too." A Parent

"Thank you now i know some ways to stand up for myself." A Child

For more feedback , please see the LEC film.

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