The Outdoor Education Adviser Service (OEAS) works with schools in Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and further afield. We provide a service that helps you plan and deliver high quality school visits to a wide range of locations, from using your local area effectively to day visits to cities and the coast, and residentials - both in the UK and overseas. Our extensive experience and knowledge built over many years allows us to advise to ensure that any training or advice we offer is focused to your school.
The service offers Outdoor Education Advisers' Panel (OEAP) Educational Visits Co-ordinator (EVC) training courses and other courses tailored to your needs.
Maintained schools in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough come under the LA offer.
We work with Academies and other schools with an annual service agreement.
Other training courses
Stephen runs Outdoor First Aid and Forest School First Aid as open courses or closed courses for your school.
The Countryside Leader Award - a course for D of E leaders to verify their outdoor skills in leading groups.
We have wood fired outdoor cooking stoves for schools to borrow and use, and two Apple presses for use in Autumn. Also, to inspire the use of your school site and local area, we have loan sets of the Outdoor Learning Cards and Environmental Cards. Just ask to borrow a set.
Contact Us
Stephen Brown, Outdoor Education Adviser
Phone: 01480 379677