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Climate Change and Environment for schools

The Climate Change and Environment for schools page aims to support those teachers and school leaders needing information or inspiration around this area to help their school and Cambridgeshire meet their Net Zero targets and improve biodiversity in their local spaces. If you have any ideas or best practice you wish to share, links or information you think would be useful, please contact Gemma Jewell, Climate Change Officer at

Take Action during Plastic Free July!

Every year during Plastic Free July, millions of people across the globe avoid single-use plastic.

Plastic Free July highlights the fact that we need to cut single-use plastic out of our lives in every way possible.

Following the mantra “Small steps, big difference”, individuals and communities make immense changes in their local communities, together contributing to a positive global impact.

We start forming plastic-free habits such as drinking from reusable coffee cups, shopping with reusable bags and avoiding plastic-wrapped foods.

Plastic Free July is a great time to spread awareness about environmental causes and get others involved. During this month, we encourage everyone to try their best to adopt a plastic-free, sustainable lifestyle.

To discover more about how else you can help, take a look at Plastic Free July which is full of ideas and solutions to help you, your school or your community reduce its plastic use and be part of the plastic solution.

Supporting Schools in Climate Action

As part of Energy System Catapult’s initiative with UK government to support educational institutions in climate action, they have launched the Climate Action Plan: Decarbonisation guide.

Why is this guide important?

The Department for Education has set a goal for every educational institution to have a comprehensive climate action plan by 2025. This guide offers a straightforward roadmap to help you achieve the decarbonisation aspect of your plan.

About the guide

Commissioned by the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero, the guide has been developed by Energy Systems Catapult with support from Ashden – the Climate Change Charity, and Local Partnerships – experts dedicated to helping schools achieve Net Zero.

What you’ll find inside:

  • Simple steps: Designed for teachers, estates teams, and governors, the guide breaks down the process of getting to Net Zero into easy-to-follow steps.
  • Practical advice: Learn how to conduct building audits, create your decarbonisation plan, and explore funding opportunities.
  • Engaging students: Use the climate action plan to engage students with real-world climate issues and inspire the next generation of climate leaders.

Get started now:

Download the Climate Action Plan: Decarbonisation guide.

Additional resources

Access essential guides and tools from the Public Sector Decarbonisation Guidance on this Catapult Energy Systems website.  You’ll also find links to the Department for Education’s sustainability portal, Ashden’s Let’s Go Zero campaign, Local Partnerships, and your local Net Zero Hub.

Access additional resources

By working together, we can make a positive impact on our environment and inspire communities.

If you have any questions, contact Energy Systems Catapult.

National Education Nature Parks Programme

Want to incorporate nature into your lessons? The National Education Nature Park Programme provides educators with support to integrate climate and nature into children's learning. Children will develop key skills in communication, decision making and creative thinking as well as scientific and digital skills. All schools, nurseries and colleges in England can join for free regardless of outdoor or green space on site. To find out more visit the National Education Nature Parks website.

Ministry of Eco Education free sustainability resources

The Ministry of Eco Education is a charity supporting schools to embed sustainability across their existing curriculum. They have woven together free resources from 100s of organisations and are engaged with more than 3,000 schools across the country. They aim to enable young people to develop the knowledge, values and skills to participate in decisions about the way we do things individually and collectively, both locally and globally, that will improve the quality of life now without damaging the planet for the future. For more information please see the Ministry of Eco Education Information Pack.

Climate Education - an online platform for school sustainability

Created in consultation with teachers and educators, Climate Education is an online platform for schools working on sustainability. It has been specifically developed for a whole-school approach working across five key themes: Zero Waste & Sustainable Living, Carbon & Climate Change, Our Natural Environment, Sustainable Travel, and Local & Sustainable Food. Each theme supports the aspirations of the Department for Education’s Sustainability & Climate Change Strategy and links closely with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Members benefit from free lesson plans, funding updates, news and events, training, and their own interactive action plan.

Climate Education also offers one-off services, including school development plans, tree planting and wildflower creation, and whole-school training.

Find out more here:

Report shares easy wins for Climate Change in secondary education across ALL subjects

A report published by the Royal Meteorological Society (RMetS) reveals there are many opportunities for better climate change education within the current secondary school curriculum in England.

A key finding was that, through supplying teacher support and assessment resources, very rapid improvements can be made to the climate literacy of English school leavers.

GCSE specifications across all subjects and exam boards were reviewed and highlighted how many concepts already taught in schools are relevant to students’ understanding of climate change and its relevance to their future lives and careers.

This report covers the many aspects of climate change that are relevant to subjects like Design and Technology, Art, or English. 

Synthesis Report

Free School Carbon Footprint Calculator

Please complete this short survey to help build a data baseline for the new Keep Britain Tidy and Eco-Schools free to use school carbon footprint calculator, the `Count Your Carbon Tool', supported by Let's Go Zero. Your answers will help make it as accurate as possible, establishing averages for use when schools might not know all the answers. It will allow schools to count their carbon across all three `emission scopes'. Schools can input information which will be used to produce a bespoke carbon emissions report, and provide schools with a personalised Climate Action Plan. It will be launched in the 2023/24 academic year.

On The Verge Cambridge: On the Verge Cambridge promotes the growing of nectar-rich flowers around the city and includes the School Meadows Programme

Peterborough Environment City Trust (PECT) Eco Education

UK Schools Sustainability Network (

Woodland Trust Free Trees for Communities: The Woodland Trust offer free trees to schools and communities. Further information about trees and woodland can be found on the Trees and Woodland page of the Cambridgeshire County Council website, along with information on the Queen's Canopy Project and The Queen's Green Canopy Project Tree Planting Guide. Please ensure you engage the Education Capital Team before planting.

Cambridgeshire County Council Schools Energy Retrofit Programme:

Schools Energy Newsletter

 Our newsletter is sent to schools each academic term, and includes:

  • The latest news on energy, including industry price forecasts.
  • Great tips to reduce energy bills and increase energy efficiency.
  • Support to implement other energy conservation measures.

If your school is interested in any of the above information, you can subscribe to the newsletter below.

Cut Your Carbon - Eco Schools ( In order to learn how to easily Cut your Carbon, complete the short sign-up form to register your school for the November campaign. You will then be e-mailed all of the resources you need to successfully deliver the campaign, including the 9 Challenge Checklist, a Cut Your Carbon assembly, our Teacher Delivery Guide and printable Pupil Certificates. You will also receive further updates about the campaign, including information on our free events and competitions.

‘PLEASE NOTE: Cut Your Carbon 2023/2024 has now finished, but will be returning next academic year’

Receive our termly newsletter by email

School Retrofit Project newsletter subscription

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You can unsubscribe or add other service subscriptions you may be interested in at any time.