PEPs and PP+
The Personal Education Plan (PEP) is a statutory process. It forms the education element of the care planning for the child.
The PEP must be initiated within ten days of the child entering care. The Virtual School require information from the education setting and social worker to do this. Moving forward, the PEP must be reviewed and updated on a termly basis. It is advised that the meeting takes place towards the end of the term to enable a review of the child’s progress (including attainment), outcomes to be set for the following term and related requests made for pupil premium plus. The document must be submitted by the submission deadline.
The designated teacher is the main author and champion of the Personal Education Plan (PEP) within the school context. The social worker is responsible for completing the care section of the PEP. It is expected that key members of the team supporting the child attend and contribute to the PEP meeting; this includes the carer, designated teacher and social worker. The child or young person should be encouraged to make a meaningful contribution. This may mean attending the full meeting, part of the meeting and / or meeting with a key adult to discuss content of the PEP and ensure their views are accurately represented and responded to.
For support with the PEP please email where you will be directed to our PEP Champion.
PEP Submission Dates
Autumn Term - Wednesday 27 November 2024
Spring Term - Wednesday 12 March 2025
Summer Term (Year 13 only) - Wednesday 14 May 2025
Summer Term - Wednesday 9 July 2025
Pupil Premium Plus
Pupil premium plus for children in care is additional funding provided to help improve the attainment of children in care and close the attainment gap between them and their peers. It cannot be used to fund services the local authority is responsible for funding, such as to support foster carers, school uniform or transport. It is the responsibility of the Virtual School Head Teacher to allocate the funding. In Cambridgeshire funding is allocated to school aged children through requests made in the PEP. Funding requests must be linked to desirable outcomes.
Useful Documents
Exemplar PEPs
Contact Us
Claire Hiorns
Head Teacher, Virtual School
Phone: 01223 699883
Follow us on twitter by clicking on this link: Cambridgeshire Virtual School on Twitter