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Parents and Carers of Children in Care

Adults in the role of parents of Children in Care (including family members, foster carers, adoptive parents, care home staff) have an essential part to play in supporting their education.

The Virtual School, as part of the Corporate Parent Team, are responsible for finding a good school for your child/young person to attend. If your child has an EHCP (Education and Health Care Plan) the Statutory Assessment Team will lead on the choice of school and the admissions process. We work with schools to provide a high quality, supportive learning environment for Children in Care and maximise educational outcomes.

For further information on children who are legally adopted, SGO and CAO (Previously in Care) please see the Previously in Care section of this website.

All Children in Care must have a current, high-quality Personal Education Plan (PEP). For further information please go to the tab linked to your child’s age group.

Please contact the Virtual School immediately if you are caring for a Child in Care who has no school place.

For information on:

  • Attendance
  • School Avoidance
  • Suspensions and permanent exclusions
  • Alternative provision and reduced timetables
  • SEND
  • Year Group Information
  • Exploitation
  • Trauma Informed Practice
  • FASD
  • EDI
  • Mental Health

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‘Following discussion with Cambridgeshire Foster Carer Association the newsletters are being replaced with a podcast series designed for you. Watch this space for further details.’


CVS podcast team photo

Termly Newsletters

Archived Newsletters3.4MBpdf
Size: 3.4MBFile format: pdf

Useful Documents for all age groups (age specific documents can be found under relevant categories)

Size: 420KBFile format: pdf
CVS Attendance Policy186KBpdf
Size: 186KBFile format: pdf