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 In response to the ‘Stable Homes consultation’ and commitment of Post-16 PP+ Cambridgeshire Virtual School has established the ‘Achievement into Adulthood Team’. This team ensures all Cambridgeshire children in care up to the age of 18 and/or the end of their Year 13 academic year are engaging with well-matched education, employment or training that supports them to thrive into adulthood. We work closely with professionals and establishments to make sure that our young people have access to and are included in education or training that matches their interests, abilities and aspirations and are supported to ensure that policy and practice enables the best outcomes for all our young people.

Our offer for post-16 includes:

  • Training opportunities and resources (see training and resource section) for all Designated Professionals and other key partners (carers, social workers, etc.)
  • Ongoing guidance and quality assurance of the PEP process so that it continues to be a meaningful tool which ensures the needs of the young person are met
  • Support Social Workers, Carers and Key Workers with guidance, advice and support for young people who are NEET and help champion those who may be at risk of becoming NEET
  • Bespoke careers information advice and guidance as appropriate
  • Information advice and guidance around the use of the Vulnerable Bursary
  • Access to Unifrog for all young people - please contact us to receive a sign-up code
  • Additional targeted enrichment opportunities and access to resources to support with engagement

The 16 – 19 Bursary Fund guidance document (2023 to 2024 academic year) can be downloaded from the GOV.UK website here.

Contact Us

Claire Hiorns - Head Teacher

Virtual School


phone: 01223 699883

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