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Virtual School Management Board

Management Board

As a board our role is to appropriately challenge, monitor, support and advocate for the hard-working officers of the Virtual School (VS) in their critical work. In doing so we seek to help Cambridgeshire Local Authority to meet its statutory obligations to support Early Years settings, local schools, academy providers and Post 16 providers to meet the educational needs of all Cambridgeshire children who have or have had a social worker; this includes Children in Care and Children previously in Care alongside a non-statutory remit for children who are known to a social worker as either children in need or those under child protection plans. A core focus remains that of closing of the gap in educational outcomes between those children specified above and all other children in England, to enable them to learn, aspire, thrive and achieve to their maximum potential.”

Andrew Read

Chair of the Virtual School Management Board

VSMB Terms of Reference936KBpdf
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