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Under the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) and associated regulations, Cambridgeshire CCC ensures that Employees, through the Physical Education Advisory service, are provided with appropriate:

  • guidance
  • training
  • access to further competent advice

In order to fulfil this obligation under the HASAW (1974) Cambridgeshire County Council has in place robust guidelines for the delivery of swimming, and the management of in-school swimming facilities.

For maintained schools this guidance must be considered as statutory.

For non-maintained schools it can be considered as good practice. .

The purpose of this document is to set out the policies and provide guidance on Safe Practice in School Swimming and Water Safety, whether at a school pool, hydrotherapy pool, public pool or during school visits. Our ambition is to keep everyone involved in School Swimming safe. Included are the policies and procedures of Cambridgeshire County Council (CCC) based on current national guidance in relation to School Swimming and Water Safety, swimming pool safety, and educational visits, which may include water-based activities.

The appendices contain exemplar materials and greater detail on guidance.

This policy is for all CCC maintained schools. It is recommended that Academies, Foundation and Voluntary Aided schools also follow the guidance within the policy. Where schools use Leisure Provider pools, partnership working is vital, not only to keep pupils and staff safe, but also to ensure that young people experience a meaningful range of aquatic opportunities, in a manner that is safe and fully inclusive.

These operating policy guidance notes for school pools and for other school swimming activities are divided into sections:

Part A. Conducting Safe Aquatic Activities

Part B. Roles and Responsibilities

Part C. Guidance for the Operation of Swimming Pools on school sites

Pool test

School Swimming Pool Management Guidance

All schools with their own swimming facility must have an accredited ‘Pool Operator’ who has responsibility for the operation of the swimming pool. This qualification can only be attained through attendance at a HSE approved ‘Small Pool Operators’ course. This is the industry norm requirement for any small swimming pool plant operator and is a two day course.

This training must be revalidated every 3 years.

For details of upcoming courses please refer to PE Advisory Service course portfolio.

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