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Safe Practice in Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity

(Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) and Management Regs (1999))

Under the HASAW act (1974), the employer retains overall responsibility for health, safety and welfare:

  • Cambridgeshire County Council is the employer in LA maintained schools (Community and VC), statutory youth service, Looked after Children and other LA services/settings
  • the Governing Body/trustees/owners are the employer in Foundation, VA, Academies and Independent Schools

Under the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) and associated regulations, Cambridgeshire ensures that Employees, through the Physical Education Advisory service, are provided with appropriate:

  • guidance
  • training
  • access to further competent advice

The legal responsibilities of school staff 

The law requires employees to:

  • take reasonable care of their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by what they do at work
  • co-operate with their employers on health and safety matters
  • do their work in accordance with training and instructions
  • inform the employer of any work situation representing a serious and immediate danger, so that remedial action can be taken
  • Employees should follow health and safety procedures put in place by their employer.

Teachers and other staff in schools have a common law duty when in charge of pupils to take the same care of them as they would as a parent.


Cambridgeshire County Council is committed to supporting schools and settings in providing a safe and secure experience of Physical Education for teachers and pupils.

We believe that all schools should:-

  • have a sound understanding of H & S principles in relation to planning and monitoring PE and School Sport
  • have confidence in teaching through the application of key H & S principles
  • have the capacity to develop and critically assess the policies and procedures used in the schools in which you work.
  • enable pupils to recognise how they also play a part in taking responsibility for their own safety
  • be able to apply safety principles to practical activities and undertake on-going dynamic risk assessment
  • have the tools to risk assess all aspects of PE and sport in your school
AfPE (2016) - Safe Practice in PE, SS & PA
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