SEND District Teams
The SEND District Teams work with children, families, schools and settings to support children with SEND. The team comprises of five multi-disciplinary area teams:
- Fenland (Wisbech, March, Chatteris, Whittlesey)
- Huntingdonshire (Huntingdon, Ramsey, Sawtry, Yaxley, St Neots)
- South Cambridgeshire
- Cambridge City
- East Cambridgeshire
Each team comprises of the following posts:
- SEND Manager (previously known as Team Leader)
- Senior Specialist Practitioner
- Specialist Practitioners
- Senior Specialist Teacher
- Specialist Teachers
- Senior Educational Psychologist
- Educational Psychologists
- Access and Inclusion Coordinator
The Cambridgeshire Steps and Trauma Informed Lead post is a county wide role.
Each primary, secondary and special school has a link Educational Psychologist. Each primary and nursery school also has a link specialist teacher.
For more details of roles within the team please see; local offer SEND District.
Schools will not receive a set amount of time at the start of the year. However, all LA maintained nurseries and primary schools will continue to receive one strategic planning meeting in September with their link specialist teacher. This will focus on training, themes, EHCP’s, supporting the use of OAP toolkit.
In addition, link Specialist Teachers will spend either two or three half days (3 hours) in each of their link schools per term. What this time is used for can be negotiated between the school and Specialist Teacher but could include:
- Observation and advice
- Direct pupil work such as modelling or intervention
- Class teacher or parent drop ins
- Discussion with SENCO
- In school workshops
This will be used in one 3 hr block of time and link teachers will book in the x 3 half days with their schools at the link meeting in September.
All primary schools will continue to have a named Educational Psychologist. Time for schools may include patch networking sessions, SENCo drop ins, parent drop-ins, consultations and individual work for complex cases etc.
All schoolwork is agreed between schools and their link practitioner; there are no referral processes or thresholds to access schoolwork.
Educational Psychologists complete assessments for Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP).