Training model
Any school or setting in Cambridgeshire can book a place on training via Booking Bug. This includes Local Authority schools, academies, free schools, special schools, independent schools, and alternative provision. We also have specific training for Cambridgeshire providers.
Training is delivered via a short cascade model and led by a Director from Therapeutic Thinking Ltd, an external consultancy who initially developed the approach. A Local Authority representative will also be at the training to answer questions and comment on any county-based queries and provide the local perspective.
The course is initially aimed at Headteachers and other senior leaders, including Inclusion Leads and SENCos. We always encourage a Headteacher to attend first in order to lead cultural change, other staff members are welcome to attend with their Headteacher or once initial training has been completed.
Three-day tutor training course
Attendees must attend all three days to be certificated as a Cambridgeshire Therapeutic Thinking tutor. Tutors will be able to lead practitioner training within their own school or setting. This means delivering one six-hour or two three-hour sessions back to all staff members. Please note: if needed, our team can support with this. See ‘Accessing additional support.’
The training is delivered using PowerPoint, group work and discussion. Prior to the training taking place, attendees are provided with an electronic version of the PowerPoints. It is recommended that these are printed in black and white, three slides to a side and brought to the training session for notetaking purposes.
The training consists of the following:
Engagement modules
These enable attendees to understand the principles behind the therapeutic approach, provide thinking models to frame that understanding, and underline the importance of the therapeutic thinking philosophy being embraced by all staff members and embedded in the school or setting.
Analysis and planning modules
The sharing of a range of resources to analyse behaviour with guidance on how to use them effectively.
On day three, attendees will deliver a short presentation to the group on one key concept learnt over the previous two days. Each presentation lasts no longer than ten minutes. This is an essential part of the course and the presentation, resources, and time to prepare are included within the training.
Training format
Training starts at 09:30 each day, ending no later than 16:30. Presenters are available from 09:00. There are two options for accessing training.
Option one: ‘Hybrid’ training entails day one taking place face to face (Normally Over Community Centre or Hemingford Pavilion), and days two and three delivered online via Microsoft Teams.
Option two: ‘Consecutive weeks’ training entails attending face to face for 1 day on three consecutive weeks, normally Over Community Centre or Hemingford Pavilion.
See ‘Course dates, bookings and costs’ for more information or visit Booking Bug to book.
To maintain accreditation, tutors will need to attend an annual refresher which will review existing knowledge as well as introduce new information.
One-day refresher course
Refresher training within 12-15 months is required to maintain accreditation, have access to the Knowledge Hub group and lead training in a school or setting.
The training is delivered using PowerPoint with some short activities. Prior to the training taking place, attendees are provided with an electronic version of the PowerPoint. It is recommended that these are printed in black and white, three slides to a side, so that they can be used during the training session for notetaking purposes.
Training starts at 09:30 each day, ending no later than 16:30. Presenters are available from 09:00. There are two options for accessing training.
Option one: ‘Online’ training entails is delivered online via Microsoft Teams.
Option two: ‘Face-to-face’ training is delivered in person normally at Over Community Centre or Hemingford Pavilion.
See ‘Course dates, bookings and costs’ for more information or visit Booking Bug to book.
Post- training support
Tutors will have access to an online repository of all required information and documents hosted on Knowledge Hub for the duration of their accreditation. Additionally, tutors will be invited to optional free, online ‘bitesize’ training sessions and have access to ‘toolkit’ training which goes into a little more detail on how to complete the analysis tools.
Each school or setting with a current CTT tutor will also have access to policy writing support, risk reduction plan QA and guides and escorts training, alongside other offers. Please see ‘Accessing additional support.’
Peterborough schools please note
Access to the training and refreshers will cease on 1st January 2024. Access to Knowledge Hub, bitesize and toolkit training will cease after 12 months for each CTT tutor, from the date of their training.
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