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Cambridgeshire Therapeutic Thinking

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Cambridgeshire Therapeutic Thinking

Cambridgeshire County Council is committed to embedding a therapeutic understanding of the development and education of children and young people. Our overarching aim is for all Cambridgeshire children to have the opportunity to flourish in their local school or setting, where they are understood, have their needs met, and where they are prepared for the next stage in their education and lives. Since 2017 we have invested in rolling out therapeutic thinking training across the county as part of our SEND and inclusion strategy.

Formerly known as Cambridgeshire Steps, Cambridgeshire Therapeutic Thinking (CTT) is an approach which focuses on how all children and young people can be supported in schools and other settings, particularly in terms of their emotional wellbeing and mental health. The programme also helps to develop an understanding of how to respond to those who may be communicating through their behaviour.

CTT is a school-led ethos that is characterised by an inclusive culture and underpinned by best practice, policies, and planning. The approach uses a range of resources to analyse a pupil’s behaviour to better understand their needs. This supports better planning for the pupil, their class and the wider school or setting, helping to prevent difficult or dangerous situations from occurring by highlighting the learning or experiences that the pupil needs.

Who is the training for?

Since Cambridgeshire Therapeutic Thinking involves a whole-school approach which often requires a change in culture and almost certainly some changes in policy, it is strongly recommended that the Headteacher/Principal of a school or setting attends the training. It is difficult to achieve any movement in culture without a top-down approach.

All adults in a setting should be trained as practitioners, including the Headteacher, senior leaders, governors,’ teachers, teaching assistants, midday supervisors and where possible catering staff, office, or administrative staff. The Cambridge Therapeutic Thinking approach works best when all staff understand the ethos and language involved, supported by senior management, policies, and plans.


By supporting Cambridge schools and settings to implement and embed Cambridgeshire Therapeutic Thinking within their organisation, Cambridgeshire County Council aims to:

  • develop a common language and joint approach that is followed by all professionals in Cambridgeshire, thereby supporting consistency within and across services.
  • support schools and settings with developing a therapeutic approach to behaviour.
  • improve staff confidence and safety.
  • reduce suspensions and exclusions by considering more inclusive alternatives.

National context

Cambridgeshire County Council is working alongside ten other counties who have either embedded the therapeutic thinking approach across their county or are on their journey to do so. Each county has a Therapeutic Thinking Lead who meets regularly with other county Leads to share experiences, expertise, and resources.

More information

Training model

Any school or setting in Cambridgeshire can book a place on training via Booking Bug. This includes Local Authority schools, academies, free schools, special schools, independent schools, and alternative provision. We also have specific training for Cambridgeshire providers.

Training is delivered via a short cascade model and led by a Director from Therapeutic Thinking Ltd, an external consultancy who initially developed the approach. A Local Authority representative will also be at the training to answer questions and comment on any county-based queries and provide the local perspective.

The course is initially aimed at Headteachers and other senior leaders, including Inclusion Leads and SENCos. We always encourage a Headteacher to attend first in order to lead cultural change, other staff members are welcome to attend with their Headteacher or once initial training has been completed.

Three-day tutor training course

Attendees must attend all three days to be certificated as a Cambridgeshire Therapeutic Thinking tutor. Tutors will be able to lead practitioner training within their own school or setting. This means delivering one six-hour or two three-hour sessions back to all staff members. Please note: if needed, our team can support with this. See ‘Accessing additional support.’

The training is delivered using PowerPoint, group work and discussion. Prior to the training taking place, attendees are provided with an electronic version of the PowerPoints. It is recommended that these are printed in black and white, three slides to a side and brought to the training session for notetaking purposes.

The training consists of the following:

Engagement modules

These enable attendees to understand the principles behind the therapeutic approach, provide thinking models to frame that understanding, and underline the importance of the therapeutic thinking philosophy being embraced by all staff members and embedded in the school or setting.

Analysis and planning modules

The sharing of a range of resources to analyse behaviour with guidance on how to use them effectively.

On day three, attendees will deliver a short presentation to the group on one key concept learnt over the previous two days. Each presentation lasts no longer than ten minutes. This is an essential part of the course and the presentation, resources, and time to prepare are included within the training.

Training format

Training starts at 09:30 each day, ending no later than 16:30. Presenters are available from 09:00. There are two options for accessing training.

Option one: ‘Hybrid’ training entails day one taking place face to face (Normally Over Community Centre or Hemingford Pavilion), and days two and three delivered online via Microsoft Teams.

Option two: ‘Consecutive weeks’ training entails attending face to face for 1 day on three consecutive weeks, normally Over Community Centre or Hemingford Pavilion.

See ‘Course dates, bookings and costs’ for more information or visit Booking Bug to book.

To maintain accreditation, tutors will need to attend an annual refresher which will review existing knowledge as well as introduce new information.

One-day refresher course

Refresher training within 12-15 months is required to maintain accreditation, have access to the Knowledge Hub group and lead training in a school or setting.

The training is delivered using PowerPoint with some short activities. Prior to the training taking place, attendees are provided with an electronic version of the PowerPoint. It is recommended that these are printed in black and white, three slides to a side, so that they can be used during the training session for notetaking purposes.

Training starts at 09:30 each day, ending no later than 16:30. Presenters are available from 09:00. There are two options for accessing training.

Option one: ‘Online’ training entails is delivered online via Microsoft Teams.

Option two: ‘Face-to-face’ training is delivered in person normally at Over Community Centre or Hemingford Pavilion.

See ‘Course dates, bookings and costs’ for more information or visit Booking Bug to book.

Post- training support

Tutors will have access to an online repository of all required information and documents hosted on Knowledge Hub for the duration of their accreditation. Additionally, tutors will be invited to optional free, online ‘bitesize’ training sessions and have access to ‘toolkit’ training which goes into a little more detail on how to complete the analysis tools.

Each school or setting with a current CTT tutor will also have access to policy writing support, risk reduction plan QA and guides and escorts training, alongside other offers. Please see ‘Accessing additional support.’

Peterborough schools please note

Access to the training and refreshers will cease on 1st January 2024. Access to Knowledge Hub, bitesize and toolkit training will cease after 12 months for each CTT tutor, from the date of their training.

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Booking training

To book training, please visit Booking Bug on the SEND training portal. Click on ‘Cambridgeshire Therapeutic Thinking’ to access the available courses.

Current offers

Cambridgeshire schools with fewer than 152 pupils on roll or those part of a RIG are entitled to a reduction in costs. Please see below.

Course dates

Three-day tutor course (‘hybrid’ option)
Month 2024 2025
January  23rd - 25th 21st - 23rd
April 30/04 - 02/05 -
May  21st - 23rd 20th - 22nd
June  25th - 27th -
September  24th - 26th  -
November  -  -

Day one face-to-face, days two and three online.

Three-day tutor course (‘live' option)
Month 2024 2025
March 4th, 11th, 18th 3rd, 10th, 17th
June - 2nd, 9th, 16th
November 4th, 11th, 18th -

Three consecutive Mondays face-to-face.

One-day refresher course (‘online’ option)
Month 2024 2025
January  16th 16th
February  29th 27th
March  26th -
April - -
May  9th 8th
July  4th 3rd
September  16th -
November  - -
December  3rd -
One-day refresher course (‘live’ option)
Month 2024 2025
January  - -
February  15th 13th
March  - 26th
April 23rd 29th
June 11th 11th
October 15th -
November 27th -
One-day practitioner course (online only)
Month 2024 2025
January   15th
February  7th -
March - -
April - 24th
May  15th -
September  24th -


Three-day tutor course (‘hybrid’ option)

Day one face-to-face, days two and three online.

  • Cambridgeshire schools £330 per delegate.
  • Small Cambridgeshire schools (fewer than 152 pupils) £165 per delegate.
  • Independent schools £450 per delegate.
  • Alternative provider £450 per delegate.
  • Non-Cambridgeshire schools £450 per delegate.

Three-day tutor course (‘live’ option)

Three consecutive Mondays face-to-face.

  • Cambridgeshire schools £450 per delegate.
  • Small Cambridgeshire schools (fewer than 152 pupils) £225 per delegate.
  • Independent schools £563 per delegate.
  • Alternative provider £563 per delegate.
  • Non-Cambridgeshire schools £563 per delegate.

One-day refresher course (‘online’ option)

  • Cambridgeshire schools £100 per delegate.
  • Small Cambridgeshire schools (fewer than 152 pupils) £75 per delegate.
  • Independent schools £125 per delegate.
  • Alternative provider £125 per delegate.
  • Non-Cambridgeshire schools £125 per delegate.

One-day refresher course (‘live’ option)

  • Cambridgeshire schools £120 per delegate.
  • Small Cambridgeshire schools (fewer than 152 pupils) £90 per delegate.
  • Independent schools £150 per delegate.
  • Alternative provider £150 per delegate.
  • Non-Cambridgeshire schools £150 per delegate.

One-day practitioner course (online only)

  • Cambridgeshire schools £60 per delegate.
  • Small Cambridgeshire schools (fewer than 152 pupils) £45 per delegate.
  • Independent schools £75 per delegate.
  • Alternative provider £75 per delegate.
  • Non-Cambridgeshire schools £125 per delegate.

Bespoke support

  • Cambridgeshire schools £100 per hour

Two-day CTT RPI training (by invitation only)

  • Cambridgeshire schools £330 per delegate.
  • Independent school £450 per delegate.
  • Non-Cambridgeshire schools £450 per delegate.

One-day CTT RPI refresher (for CTT RPI tutors only)

  • Cambridgeshire schools £187.50 per delegate.
  • Independent school £234.38 per delegate.
  • Non-Cambridgeshire schools £234.38 per delegate.

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Practitioner training

For members of staff new to a Cambridgeshire Therapeutic Thinking trained school or setting, this online, six-hour practitioner training will include an overview of the Cambridgeshire Therapeutic Thinking theory

This is particularly useful when a school or setting has already delivered their six-hour whole-school training and have new members of staff or have members of staff who would like to refresh their knowledge. Training will include a practitioner certificate to confirm attendance and participation.

The cost is £60 for Cambridgeshire schools and setting and is bookable via Booking Bug.

Please note:

Attendees will not be accredited to cascade training in school.

Whole-school practitioner training

Over the past six years, Cambridgeshire County Council has recognised that the most effective way to support schools and settings in embedding Cambridgeshire Therapeutic Thinking is to collaborate with them.

We are therefore offering to support the delivery of initial six-hour whole-school training where schools are new to the programme. This could be a facilitation approach, a tag-team model, a silent partner, or something else which may suit a tutor’s particular situation in their school or setting.

Accessing additional support

Cambridgeshire County Council understands that implementing Cambridgeshire Therapeutic Thinking (CTT) across a school or setting will take time and support. Our team is here to assist with that journey.

Knowledge Hub

All CTT tutors have access to a resource area hosted on Knowledge Hub, which contains all PowerPoints, referenced materials, audience information and additional resources. Tutors can join the group by setting up a Knowledge Hub account. This is quick and easy to do. Request to join the Cambridgeshire Therapeutic Thinking group and once approved, click on ‘Library’ to access all materials.

Bitesize training

CTT tutors can visit Booking Bug to book on any of the sessions below.

Cambridgeshire Therapeutic Thinking
Session Dates Topic Contents
 Spring 1 09.01.24 Protective and educational consequences 1 Case Studies and worked examples
  01.02.24 When to escalate to an RRP1 When the therapeutic tree is needed and how RRPs should be managed
Spring 2 05.03.24 Early prognosis 2 What information should be captured?
  21.03.24 Predict, prevent, and progress 2 Subconscious/conscious and anxiety analysis. Using inclusion circles
Summer 1 04.04.24 The language of CTT 2 Refresher quiz, choices, scripts
  16.05.24 Thinking therapeutically in Early Years 2 Overview of the EY therapeutic thinking modules and the differences in content with CTT
Summer 2 25.05.24 Protective and educational consequences 2 Case studies and worked examples
  11.07.24 When to escalate to an RRP 2 When the therapeutic tree is needed and how RRPs should be managed

Toolkit training

CTT tutors can visit Booking Bug to book on any of the sessions below.


  • 27th March 2024
  • 12th July 2024

Guides and escorts

The main focus of Cambridgeshire Therapeutic Thinking is to de-escalate situations where potential conflict may arise. Cambridgeshire County Council recognises, however, that on rare occasions, unforeseen circumstances may occur where school staff may need to guide or escort a pupil away from a dangerous situation.

With this in mind, because guides and escorts are no longer covered within CTT training, our team offers a 1.5-hour session with a select group of staff (which must include at least one certified CTT tutor), where a training session on the principles of guiding and escorting will be delivered in person.

For further information or to discuss accessing guides and escorts training in your school, please contact Alex Davies, SEND County District Manager.

Post-training support package

We have found that schools and settings really benefit from our SEND CTT tutors’ support when it comes to embedding CTT. Our team now offers various areas of support to Cambridgeshire schools which could include but is not limited to:

  • Behaviour policy support (three hours)
  • Risk reduction plan support (four hours)
  • CTT analysis and planning tool guidance (two hours)
  • Whole-school practitioner training support (six hours)
  • Predict, prevent, and progress plan support (two hours)
  • Guides and escorts training (1.5 hours, see above)
  • Staff focus groups/surgery (thinking models, CTT tools and/or terminology)
  • Whole-school audit of CTT journey so far and planning for next Cambridgeshire Therapeutic Thinking

For a discussion regarding post-training support, please contact Alex Davies, SEND County District Manager.

Return to more information


We have seen many examples of success in primary schools across Cambridgeshire where therapeutic thinking has been thoroughly embedded into the culture and ethos. Where all staff have been trained. Where every member of the team is on board. The training is only the first, small step.

Positive results include reductions in suspensions, pupils returning to class having previously been taught away from their peers, higher engagement with parents, increased confidence in staff members knowing exactly what planning is involved for individual pupils, unambiguous behaviour policies and a calmer learning environment for all pupils.


Cambridgeshire primary school Headteachers are invited to attend the three-day tutor training course and it is recommended that a team of tutors is developed over time in school to support the implementation and embedding of Cambridgeshire Therapeutic Thinking, as well as share ideas and best practice.

Visit Booking Bug to book.

All Cambridgeshire primary schools with at least one current tutor will have access to our programme of support, including free, online ‘bitesize’ and ‘toolkit’ training sessions which go into a little more detail on how to complete the analysis tools. Schools will also have access to an online repository of all required information and documents hosted on Knowledge Hub for the duration of accreditation.

Post-training support

Additionally, we are offering support to help deliver initial training within school, write policies, quality assure risk reduction plans, and provide bespoke guides and escorts training, alongside other offers. Cambridgeshire County Council is committed to working alongside schools to embed Cambridgeshire therapeutic thinking and this support is therefore cost free.

For more information, see ‘Accessing additional support’ or contact Alex Davies, SEND County District Manager.

The key to success

Cambridgeshire County Council recognises that turning around culture in a secondary school can be extremely challenging. It requires the support and drive from all senior leadership and management team members. To be truly successful, it needs consistency within and across all departments and teams, with all members of staff fully understanding what is meant by a therapeutic thinking approach. Parents and pupils need to be familiar with the aims and the framework of the approach so that its foundation of equity is understood.

This is where our team can help.


Once the Principal/Headteacher is on board with the Cambridgeshire Therapeutic Thinking (CTT) programme and is committed to supporting their staff to develop the best pathway for delivering training within school, we can work with the CTT tutors to develop an action plan. We would recommend a minimum of five tutors to undertake the three-day training, but preferably each Head of Year, pastoral team leads, and senior management leaders would be part of the tutor team. Tutor team members can attend courses on different dates to take into account capacity and workload.

Visit Booking Bug to book.

Our team would work alongside CTT tutors to determine the best route to success. This could include whole-school training of form tutors and subject teachers. Or it could start with reviewing the behaviour policy or actioning staff, parent, and pupil surveys. Or small elements of CTT could be drip fed into staff meetings, or behaviour logs could be used to determine priorities.

For further information or to discuss how CTT could work in your school, please contact Alex Davies, SEND County District Manager.


We have seen many examples of success in special schools across Cambridgeshire where therapeutic thinking has been thoroughly embedded into the culture and ethos. Where all staff have been trained. Where every member of the team is on board. The training is only the first, small step.

Positive results include reductions in suspensions, reductions in restraint, higher engagement with parents, increased confidence in staff members knowing exactly what planning is involved for individual pupils, unambiguous behaviour policies and a calmer learning environment for all pupils.


Cambridgeshire special school Headteachers are invited to attend the three-day tutor training course and it is recommended that a team of tutors is developed over time in school to support the implementation and embedding of Cambridgeshire Therapeutic Thinking, as well as share ideas and best practice.

Visit Booking Bug to book.

All Cambridgeshire special schools with at least one current tutor will have access to our programme of support, including free, online ‘bitesize’ and ‘toolkit’ training sessions which go into a little more detail on how to complete the analysis tools. Schools will also have access to an online repository of all required information and documents hosted on Knowledge Hub for the duration of accreditation.

Post-training support

Additionally, we are offering support to help deliver initial training within school, write policies, quality assure risk reduction plans, and provide bespoke guides and escorts training, alongside other offers. Cambridgeshire County Council is committed to working alongside schools to embed Cambridgeshire therapeutic thinking and this support is therefore cost free.

Cambridgeshire County Council also recognises, however, that the unique environment of a special school sometimes requires slightly different thinking, particularly in terms of communication and the environment.

This is where our team can help with reviewing the use of CTT analysis tools and planning in school.

For more information, see ‘Accessing additional support’ or contact Alex Davies, Cambridgeshire Therapeutic Lead.

Principles of Restraint Reduction

Additionally, we offer Principles of Restraint reduction training by invitation. Cambridgeshire County Council takes the view that restrictive physical intervention can be traumatic, not only for any children and staff involved, but also for the pupils and staff who witness an incident. We will therefore only deliver training where there is clear and appropriate evidence of risk of harm that cannot be mitigated through robust analysis, planning and practice. In an emergency, usual rules of safeguarding should apply.

This bespoke two-day course, delivered, and refreshed every September, delivers specific RPI skills and is only available to staff members who hold a current Cambridgeshire Therapeutic Thinking tutor certificate.

Cambridgeshire County Council has worked successfully with several Cambridgeshire and Peterborough multi-academy trusts to train all schools within their structure to develop consistency in approach across all ages and phases.


Having a consistent approach to understanding and learning about behaviour across all schools and phases means that pupils will have an uninterrupted therapeutic educational journey. Transitions will be smoother and their experience within and outside of the classroom will improve. As their emotional and other needs will be better identified and met, pupils’ stress and overstimulation will be reduced, their 'thinking' brains will be more engaged, and they will be in a better place to learn and meet behaviour expectations. Staff too will feel more confident in managing behaviour without the need for bribery and punishment.


We will deliver a bespoke Cambridgeshire Therapeutic Thinking (CTT) three-day course to senior leaders and managers who will come together from each school within your trust. The usual number of delegates is 28 per course, but this can be discussed if needed. You can choose to have all three days face-to-face, or a mix of in-person and online training. The training can take place at a venue of your choice, or we can take care of the venue and catering arrangements.

Each delegate who has completed training will be accredited as a CTT tutor and able to lead training within their own school or setting. They will have access to our programme of support, including free, online ‘bitesize’ and ‘toolkit’ training sessions which go into a little more detail on how to complete the analysis tools. Tutors will also have access to an online repository of all required information and documents hosted on Knowledge Hub for the duration of accreditation.

For accreditation to be maintained, CTT tutors will need to attend a refresher course within 12-15 months. Ideally, we would bring the tutors back together again, but they will also be eligible to book onto a refresher as individual schools by visiting Booking Bug.

Post-training support

All Cambridgeshire schools within the multi-academy trust will have access to additional support to help deliver initial training within school, write policies, quality assure risk reduction plans, and provide bespoke guides and escorts training, alongside other offers. Cambridgeshire County Council is committed to working alongside schools to embed Cambridgeshire therapeutic thinking and this support is therefore cost free.

For further information or to discuss how CTT could work for your multi-academy trust, please contact Alex Davies, SEND County District Manager.

As part of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough combined authority, Peterborough schools previously accessed Cambridgeshire Therapeutic Thinking (CTT) through Cambridgeshire Local Authority, with Cambridgeshire SEND CTT tutors providing additional support.

From 1st August 2023, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough County Councils are no longer a combined authority and the arrangements for Peterborough schools accessing CTT are therefore changing.

During autumn term 2023, Peterborough schools will be able to access three-day CTT tutor and refresher training at the same cost as Cambridgeshire schools. Tutors will continue to have access to an online repository of all required information and documents hosted on Knowledge Hub for the duration of their accreditation. Additionally, tutors will be invited to optional free, online ‘bitesize’ training sessions and have access to ‘toolkit’ training which goes into a little more detail on how to complete the analysis tools.

Access to CTT training and refreshers will cease on 1st January 2024. Access to Knowledge Hub, bitesize and toolkit training will cease after 12 months for each CTT tutor, from the date of their training.

Cambridgeshire County Council has welcomed several independent schools on our Cambridgeshire Therapeutic Training (CTT) courses. Colleagues working in independent provision have found that some pupils attending their schools are displaying behaviours that they are finding challenging, whereas before COVID-19, this was not particularly an issue.

CTT works equally well in an independent setting where senior leadership and management are on board with the approach and appreciate the ethos of a therapeutic thinking mindset. Each delegate who has completed training will be accredited as a CTT tutor and able to lead training within their own school or setting. They will have access to our programme of support, including free, online ‘bitesize’ and ‘toolkit’ training sessions which go into a little more detail on how to complete the analysis tools. Tutors will also have access to an online repository of all required information and documents hosted on Knowledge Hub for the duration of accreditation.

For accreditation to be maintained, CTT tutors will need to attend a refresher course within 12 to 15 months.

From October 2023, Cambridgeshire County Council is offering an online six-hour training session for Cambridgeshire providers interested in learning about Cambridgeshire Therapeutic Thinking (CTT).

CTT is an approach to understanding and learning about behaviour which has been undertaken by over 60% of the county’s schools. To ensure as much consistency as possible within schools, and between schools and the external services they encounter, CTT is a preferred approach to learning about and understanding behaviour in Cambridgeshire.


The training will enable providers to understand the culture and ethos of schools and settings using the CTT methodology. The six hours will focus primarily on the graduated response framework, central to CTT, and the planning and analysis tools which support the prediction and prevention of unwanted behaviours, as well as ADPR (assess, plan, do, review). We will also cover the central principles of CTT and its thinking models which will encourage you to consider behaviour in a different way.

Providers will understand the behaviour practices used in schools and settings trained in CTT and be able to use the same language with the pupils they work with, thus enabling smoother transitions between their provision, and schools and settings.

Booking and cost

The cost is £100 per delegate and interested providers should visit Booking Bug to book a place on the training. Training will include a provider practitioner certificate to confirm attendance and participation.

Cambridgeshire County Council is currently collating pupil voice from Cambridgeshire schools who have whole-heartedly embraced the Cambridgeshire Therapeutic Thinking approach.

Townley School, Wisbech

In March 2018, Townley School was graded by Ofsted as ‘Requires Improvement’. Today, they are ‘Good’. Cambridgeshire Steps has been a big part of this journey and now: “The nurturing ethos is the reason why many parents choose to travel to take their child to Townley School.” - Ofsted report, May 2022.

Stanley, Year 6, shares part of his journey from someone who found school quite a traumatic experience in his early years, to a boy in charge of his emotions and feelings.

Click on the link below to watch the video, hosted on YouTube.

Cambridgeshire Steps case study - Townley School.

King’s Hedges Educational Federation, Cambridge City

King’s Hedges Educational Federation has a reputation for running a ‘tight ship’. They are a school with high academic and behavioural expectations.

This video explores how Cambridgeshire Steps and a whole-school therapeutic approach can work alongside and complement consistently strong boundaries and a clear behaviour policy in place.

Click on the link below to watch the video, hosted on YouTube.

Cambridgeshire Steps case study - King's Hedges Educational Federation.

The Harbour School, Wilburton

An all-boys specialist provision setting, The Harbour School demonstrates that relationships are the most important ingredient in meeting the boys’ needs. Many of the strategies in place are transferable to a mainstream setting.

Ensuring the approach is whole-school and including all staff members; making therapeutic thinking a part of everyday school life; and maintaining consistency with scripts are key.

Click on the link below to watch the video, hosted on YouTube.

Cambridgeshire Steps case study - The Harbour School.

Cambridgeshire Therapeutic Thinking was formerly known as Cambridgeshire Steps.

Secondary School Headteacher (September 2021)

"We have rewritten our behaviour policy to reflect the therapeutic approach to behaviour, and the understanding of behaviour underpins the school’s commitment to authentic care.

We continue to develop our behaviour policy and approach to understanding behaviour, with the majority of the work now being able to focus on preventative and early intervention, rather than firefighting."

Special School Headteacher (September 2021)

"The introduction of Cambridgeshire Therapeutic Thinking at our school has had a significant impact upon the number of incidents of physical intervention at school. Prior to introducing Cambridgeshire Therapeutic Thinking, the average number of restraints per week was 8 and now it has reduced to 0.3.

Along with the Cambridgeshire Therapeutic Thinking approach we have introduced some more therapeutic approaches to behaviour like using PACE language and restorative approaches to behaviour.

We have two trained ELSA practitioners who support students in classes and individually with students. All of these combined efforts have meant a more pupil centred approach at our school."

Primary School Deputy Headteacher (March 2022)

"The entire content of the course was both informative and challenging. As a school we are going to review and change our entire behaviour management and rewards system including all the policies.

By adopting this approach, we will radically improve our offer for the 10% who are not being as effectively catered for effectively.

Thank you, it was a very thought provoking 3 days."

Primary School Deputy Headteacher (March 2022)

"The entire content of the course was both informative and challenging. As a school we are going to review and change our entire behaviour management and rewards system including all the policies.

By adopting this approach, we will radically improve our offer for the 10% who are not being as effectively catered for effectively.

Thank you, it was a very thought provoking 3 days."

Primary School Inclusion Lead (April 2022)

"I'm struggling to find the words to describe how amazing this training has been. Huge amounts of information delivered by the trainer with knowledge, creativity, and humour. The process itself, the delivery style of the trainer (supported by Jacquie), and the comprehensive notes and resources that come with it all lead to a process that can be implemented in a meaningful way.

I look forward to seeing how the tools work in practice and supporting others in my team to 'get on the bus' in the search for solutions that make school feel like a safer place for all.

Thank you so much."

Special School Assistant Headteacher (April 2022)

"Thank you to the instructor and Jacquie for creating such a safe dynamic for us to learn and gain vital skills that will be so valuable in my setting. The tool kit will be key in developing our primary behaviour management to feed into what's in place with Cambridgeshire Therapeutic Thinking for the secondary."

SSI/CCF Secondary School (June 2022)

"A great course delivered with the right amount of professionalism, humour and humility."

Primary School Class Teacher (June 2023)

"A lot was packed in but as an online training, it was one of the best I've done. The training I've had in school has been very good, but it was good to do this course alongside my new Teaching Assistant."

Primary School Teaching Assistant (June 2023)

"Fantastic training and Jacquie put me at ease."

Primary School Mental Health Lead (June 2023)

"Thoroughly enjoyed the training. Extremely well delivered, and it is evident that Jacquie is extremely knowledgeable on the subject."

Early Careers Teacher Primary School (June 2023)

"I feel like I now understand more the importance of consistency e.g., using scripts. I hope to remain calmer in situations and become more skilled at de-escalation."

Return to more information

Q: Who delivers the training?

A: The three-day training is delivered by Therapeutic Thinking Ltd, an external consultancy. A Local Authority representative will also be at the training to answer questions and comment on any county-based queries and provide the local perspective.

Q: How does Cambridgeshire Therapeutic Thinking sit nationally?

A: Cambridgeshire County Council is working alongside other counties that have either embedded Therapeutic Thinking or are on their journey to doing so. We have regular meetings and share resources and expertise.

Q: Can tutors ask for support in delivering training or if they have questions about Cambridgeshire Therapeutic Thinking?

A: Absolutely. Please contact

Q: Does Cambridgeshire Therapeutic Thinking really help reduce exclusions?

A: We have data from a variety of settings which demonstrate that where it is embedded, suspensions and permanent exclusions have dropped dramatically.

Q: Can Cambridgeshire Therapeutic Thinking tutors train other schools in their Multi-Academy Trust?

A: Multi Academy Trusts and Federations should aim to have a minimum of 1 tutor per school who may network across the MAT or Federation

Q: Can tutors train as many staff as they like at once?

A: The preferred ratio is two tutors to a maximum of 36 delegates. Tutors can discuss training group sizes larger than this by contacting

Q: Can tutors add in their own examples into the Cambridgeshire Therapeutic Thinking PowerPoint?

A: No. The slides must not be altered in any way. Additional information can be presented as professional opinion but must not be added to the PowerPoint.

Q: Can tutors change the PowerPoint slides?

A: No. There must be no material changes or additions to the PowerPoints. Slides may be re-arranged or delivered in a different order to personalise delivery. Slides marked with a tick are compulsory. All other slides are optional and may be turned off.

Q: Can tutors choose the bits of Cambridgeshire Therapeutic Thinking that will work for their school?

A: Most schools embark on a journey, which looks different depending on the school or setting. Some settings choose to wholeheartedly embrace all the tools and practice. Some prefer a ‘nudging’ approach where they introduce ideas and elements at the most appropriate time in their setting.

Q: Will Cambridgeshire Therapeutic Thinking be compatible with my current records and behaviour logs?

A: Schools may need to re-think how they view and record incidents, depending on the current systems and format used. The approach encourages non-judgemental, accurate description of behaviours, alongside a reflect, restore, and repair methodology.

Q: Will the behaviour policy need to be re-written?

A: Probably. Tutors will certainly need to do a ‘highlighter test’ to check that all policies and plans are written to provide a comprehensive, clear, and unambiguous set of instructions and planned response for staff’s reference. The good news is that Cambridgeshire County Council have developed a Behaviour Policy Guide available to all current tutors, which provides a framework to complete all the sections needed for a therapeutically thinking policy.

The guide is available from the tutor area of Knowledge Hub.

Q: Can tutors have another copy of the forms or PowerPoints if they’ve been lost?

A: Tutors have access to a resource area hosted on Knowledge Hub, which contains all PowerPoints, referenced materials, audience information and additional resources. Any difficulties accessioning knowledge hub contact

Q: If a tutor cannot attend the whole three days' training, can they catch up at a later date?

A: Yes, but the preferred option is for a tutor to complete the full three-day course at the same time, and this should be considered when booking a course. If training dates clash with another commitment, please book a different course. Cambridgeshire County Council will do its best to catch up any training missed due to unforeseen circumstances.

Q: If a tutor has undertaken therapeutic thinking training previously in another county, can they transfer the accreditation?

A: Tutors in this situation should contact as this will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Q: If a member of staff is not a Cambridgeshire Therapeutic Thinking tutor but knows lots about therapeutic thinking, can they just do the refresher?

A: No. Refreshers can only be attended by trained tutors.

Q: If a tutor has trained as a Cambridgeshire Therapeutic Thinking tutor in a Cambridgeshire school and moves to another Cambridgeshire school, can they train the staff members?

A: Yes, if their tutor certificate is still current.

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SEND County District Manager

Alex Davies

Business Support

Cambridgeshire Therapeutic Thinking