To support the expansion of the working parent entitlements for children aged from nine months to four years, alongside the launch of the Wraparound Childcare Programme, applications are now invited for capital funding from all providers who offer (or are looking to offer) provisions that support the roll-out of either or both of these programmes.
Whilst applications for provision across the county will be considered, we are particularly keen to hear from providers who are looking to expand, or establish provision in the following areas, where there is already an identified pressure for additional places:
- Cambourne
- Littleport
- Northstowe
- St Neots
- Whittlesey
- Wisbech
Who can access the funding?
All early years and childcare providers, including both wraparound providers and childminders, who are registered with Ofsted, or legally exempt from registration, are eligible to apply for funding.
This capital funding is in addition to the revenue grants for the Wraparound Programme.
What can the funding be used for?
Funding requests will only be considered for small capital works and must not be used for revenue expenditures such as staffing, or staff training.
Examples of eligible projects may include:
- To create new childcare places, either through the creation of new settings, or expanding provision delivered by existing providers.
- To adapt, re-model or improve existing childcare provision to enable providers to accommodate a wider range of needs or age groups.
- To purchase fixed assets such as building modifications to enable the use of space outside the main school/setting operating hours, e.g., secure external access, and provide additional toileting facilities.
- To purchase new physical assets such as a minibus (to support a hub model of wraparound provision) or play equipment (including outdoor play equipment).
This is not an exhaustive list and all capital projects, meeting the criteria will be considered by the panel.
How much funding can I apply for?
Local authorities can utilise the funding in ways that best match the needs of their local communities. The approach used in Cambridgeshire may not therefore reflect the approaches taken by neighbouring authorities, or further afield.
To ensure that the Council is compliant with the Subsidy Control Act, funding will be awarded by way of Minimal Financial Assistance (MFA) to any enterprise seeking assistance. This means that a maximum of £315,000 will be awarded to a provider to deliver new places.
The MFA route means that the provider must receive subsidies of no more than £315,000 from any source in a rolling three-year period (which is the elapsed part of the current financial year and the previous two). For example, if a provider is applying for a grant in December 2024, they will need to check what subsidies their company has received within the period December 2022 to December 2024.
Large providers, or those who are part of a franchise or chain, including those with a regional or national presence may have received several separate MFA awards, albeit not directly impacting the provision in question. These do need to be taken into consideration, which will reduce the maximum amount of funding which can be requested.
Payments to a maintained nursery or other state-funded school are not enterprises and are therefore exempt from the Act, but to ensure fairness of funding, a maximum amount of £315,000 can be requested by providers of this nature.
Further information on the MFA award route can be found in chapter seven of the associated guidance.
UK Subsidy Control Regime: statutory guidance (*
*Size: 1,781KB File format: pdf
When can I apply for funding?
Providers can apply to access funding at any time. The window for applications will not close, however, they will be considered at Grant Panels scheduled once per half term. These are as follows:
- Summer term 2024 - Tuesday, 9 July 2024
- Autumn term 2024 - Tuesday, 3 September 2024, and Thursday, 10 October 2024
- Spring term 2025 - Tuesday, 14 January 2025, and Tuesday, 11 March 2025
- Summer term 2025 - Tuesday, 6 May 2025, and Tuesday, 10 June 2025
What evidence will be required when submitting my application?
- Application form
- Confirmation of approval from Full Governing Body/Trust Board/Committee/Company owner
- Confirmation permission has been sought landlord/site/building owner
- Copy of premises agreement (hirers/lease/licence) (where applicable)
- Copy of any plans, drawings, full site plan
- At a minimum, three quotes with a justification of the preferred option to be pursued.
How will applications be scored?
Each application will be considered on a case-by-case basis and scored as follows.
Priority one
Meets eligibility criteria.
Funding sources explored and utilised, where applicable.
Sufficiency data suggests additional places are required within the area.
Existing provisions in the area are considered and not negatively impacted.
Detailed breakdown of cost, and delivery timescales provided including who will be responsible for managing the project.
Funding agreed.
Priority two
Meets eligibility criteria.
Funding sources explored and utilised, where applicable.
Detailed breakdown of cost and delivery timescales provided.
But sufficiency data suggests additional places are required within the area however, other projects are in the pipeline and not confirmed.
Postpone funding decisions until a future meeting when details of pipeline projects are clear.
Priority three
Meets eligibility criteria.
Funding sources explored and utilised, where applicable.
Detailed breakdown of cost and delivery timescales provided.
But sufficiency data suggests additional places are not required currently.
Decline but revisit in Summer Term 2025.
Does not meet eligibility criteria and/or
Funding sources not explored or utilised, where applicable.
Sufficiency data suggests additional places are not required within the area.
Other known projects already underway would address the deficit of places/concerns that other provisions would be negatively impacted.
Decline, feedback provided.
How will cases be prioritised if several applicants apply?
The Council has identified six areas where there is a current identified pressure on places. These are; Cambourne, Littleport, Northstowe, St Neots, Whittlesey, and Wisbech. Applications submitted for these areas will therefore be given the highest priority, and existing providers within these areas, or those looking to expand, are strongly encouraged to submit applications as soon as they are able, in the 2024 summer term.
If my bid is declined, can I resubmit?
Yes, applicants may choose to resubmit an application in a future round after actioning the feedback received. There is no limit to the number of applications which can be submitted as part of this process.
Should I share my ideas before applying?
We would encourage any provider, or interested party, to share any expressions of interest with their early years adviser (if applicable) or by emailing at the earliest opportunity. Your plans (even if they lack detail) can then be taken into consideration when considering other proposals.
Will I receive the funding straight away?
The funding arrangements will be determined on a case-by-case basis and will be dependent upon the level of expenditure required and the work being carried out. However, unless otherwise agreed, 25% will be provided as an upfront cost, with the remaining balance to be provided at key delivery points within the project, or upon completion of the works. The proposed payment schedule will be discussed with the provider following approval from the panel to fund the project.
Providers should ensure that all documentation is read carefully and are encouraged to raise any concerns regarding the payment schedule at the earliest opportunity.