Welcome to the Cambridgeshire Early Years, Childcare and School Readiness Service (CambsEYC) website. Within these pages, our advisers offer information, guidance, and resources on a wide range of topics to support leaders and practitioners to meet statutory requirements and deliver quality education and care.
Cambridgeshire Early Years, Childcare and School Readiness Service (CambsEYC)Email: EarlyYears.Service@cambridgeshire.gov.uk Telephone: 01223 706 133 |
Cambridgeshire Early Childhood Qualifications Centre (CECQC)Email: eycqualifications@cambridgeshire.gov.uk Telephone: 01223 706 349 |
Early Years Funding (EYF)Email: eyf@cambridgeshire.gov.uk Telephone: 01223 699 805 |
Family Information Service (FIS)Email: fis@cambridgeshire.gov.uk Telephone: 0345 045 1360 |
Head of ServiceAnnette Brooker Email: annette.brooker@cambridgeshire.gov.uk Telephone: 01223 706 133 |
Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) ProgrammeEmail: haf@cambridgeshire.gov.uk Telephone: 01223 714 742 |
Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years (PACEY)Email: childminding@cambridgeshire.gov.uk Telephone: 01223 714 657 |
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)Email: ey.send@cambridgeshire.gov.uk Telephone: 01223 706 129 |
Cambridgeshire Early Years, Childcare and School Readiness Service (CambsEYC)
PAP1203 PO Box 761, Huntingdon PE29 9QR.