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Resources and Websites


As the market leader in the sector, our early years and childcare qualifications are the hallmark of quality and assure employers that their workforce has the right knowledge, skills, and behaviours to excel in their professional responsibilities. Check out the website for support and resources.

Nursery World

One of the leading titles for early years education and childcare professionals.

Cambridgeshire Skills

Adult learning and skills service.

EYFS statutory framework

The standards that school and childcare providers must meet for the learning, development, and care of children from birth to five.

Statement of Comparability 

This service is for you if you need to evidence the level of your overseas qualification for employment, study, professional registration, or another reason. If you need to evidence the level of your degree and your English language proficiency for the UK Home Office, you may need to use the specialist Home Office-focused services, the Visas and Nationality services

The Statement of Comparability service can evaluate part-completed school qualifications. This may help people arriving in the UK from overseas who want their children to access A-levels.

High school qualifications in the UK (GCSE) are commonly required by employers and study institutions. Please include your high school and senior high school qualifications if you need GCSE comparisons to be considered.

Help for early years providers

The EYFS has changed. Find guidance and practical support to help you with the changes.

These resources are for childminders, nursery leaders, and preschool practitioners.

National Professional Qualification (NPQ): Early years leadership framework –  October 2021

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This publication provides guidance from the Department for Education. It sets out the knowledge, skills, and behaviours that will be developed by teachers when they participate in the NPQ for Early Years Leadership.


Important Department for Education documents to support providers:

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