Page Contents
This section provides examples of what leadership and management should be aware off when providing ordinarily available provision in a school.
Oversight of SEND OAP
- All staff working with children and young people (CYP) will understand their profile, including specific interests and areas of strength and needs.
- School policies are current, implemented, and effective and have reasonable adjustments for children with Special Education Needs or Disabilities (SEND), in line with the Equalities Act 2010.
- How is SEND ordinarily available provision considered throughout your self-evaluation document or school development plan?
- CYP with SEND are accurately identified and support is offered in a timely way.
- SEND Training needs for all staff are identified and actioned.
- Attainment of CYP with SEND is assessed using evidence-based assessments, targets are aspirational and achieved.
- Well-being of CYP with SEND is assessed.
- Consistent approach to SEND is implemented across the school.
- Curriculum planning and learning experiences are adapted to respond to a CYP’s needs. CYP are supported to develop their confidence resilience and knowledge.
- CYP are included in all areas of school life (including after school club activities, and school trips) and are supported to make and develop relationships.
- Where appropriate Risk assessments are in place and followed, and are up to date.
- School policies are published on the school webpage.
- The SEND information report is compliant and published clearly on the school website.
- Senior leaders and governors are clear about the SEND areas of strength and development.
- Ensure that your knowledge of available services and support is current (e.g., to enable liaison with external agencies promptly).
- The SENCo is actively involved in strategic decisions relating to SEND.
SEND Review
The SEND Review is a tool developed through the Fenland and East Cambridgeshire Opportunity Area programme to continue the professional dialogue between school leaders (and on occasion LA reviewers) about the effectiveness of SEND provision in school – for self-assessment, peer review and to develop school led improvement conversations leading to better outcomes for children and young people with SEND.
SEND Review Tool Overview3.23MB–pdf
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SEND Review Tool Blank v1219KB–pdf
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SEND Review Tool Blank v2267KB–pdf
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