SEND OAP Toolkit

Who is this for?

This resource is for schools and other education settings. The purpose of this is to define for Early Years settings, Schools, and Further Education providers in Cambridgeshire what provision should be (ordinarily) available for children and young people with SEND. We hope this will also support parent, carers and professionals to work with schools to support children with SEND.

The SEND Code of Practice 2015, links high-quality teaching with the ordinarily available provision:

SEND Code of Practice 6.15

‘…higher quality teaching ordinarily available to the whole class is likely to mean that fewer pupils will require such support.’

This guide highlights a range of support and expectations that schools, or settings can ordinarily provide for a child or young person, without the need for additional support from an Education Health and Care Plan.

What is Ordinarily Available?

Ordinarily, available provision can be defined as the provision made for children whose special educational needs can be met from the resources generally available to the school or setting. This will apply to all children without an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP), but children with an EHCP will also benefit from this type of provision in addition to the provision written in their plan.

Why have we done this?

This toolkit has been coproduced to support schools and other education settings to identify ordinarily available provisions that they can use within schools or settings. Schools, settings, and parents should work together in planning which strategies are most appropriate as part of a graduated response to needs.

The toolkit is not designed as a checklist or auditing tool. While many schools or settings will be able to apply most of the ideas contained in the toolkit, we recognise that for a variety of reasons not all schools or settings will be able to implement everything. This is a comprehensive but not exhaustive list of useful strategies and resources that can signpost schools or settings to ideas to meet children’s individual needs.

This toolkit will develop over time, we welcome submissions to this email address:


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