SEND OAP Toolkit
Cambridgeshire County Council has created a resource for schools called the SEND Ordinarily Available Provision Toolkit.
Ordinarily Available Provision (OAP) can be defined as the provision made for children whose special educational needs can be met from the resources generally available to the school or setting. This will apply to all children without an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP), but children with an EHCP will also benefit from this type of provision in addition to the provision written in their plan.
The toolkit is not designed as a checklist, and schools and settings will not be expected to implement everything within it, but to work with parents to identify appropriate actions from the comprehensive but not exhaustive list of support.
The SEND OAP Toolkit launched in January 2023 on Learn Together.
Click the button below to see all available sessions.
We have created two surveys one for schools and one for parents to gauge confidence in the SEND system around Ordinarily Available Provision. This will enable us to add to our SEND OAP Toolkit information that will help schools meet the needs of children with SEND.
School Survey
We would be grateful if you would take the time to complete the survey for schools and make your colleagues aware so they could complete this too. The schools’ survey is open to all schools and settings and can be completed by teachers, SENCOs, teaching assistants, key workers, senior leaders, and Governors.
The surveys will close at the end of the Summer Term 2024
Parent Survey
In addition, could we ask that you add a link in your communications to parents to the parent and carer survey below.