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Early Years Developmental Journal

Parent Developmental Journal

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The Developmental Journal should be used in by practitioners, in dialogue and collaboration with parents, to establish the child’s level of need. It will help establish exactly what their barriers to learning are and what impact these have on their progress.

SEND Forms and Documents

The Early Years SEND Team has produced a range of forms that can be used by early years providers to document the graduated approach (Assess, Plan, Do, Review). These forms have recently been updated to reflect the new Early Years Foundation Stage Reforms.

For more information about the graduated approach, practitioners may find it helpful to refer to Cambridgeshire’s Early Years SEND Toolkit.

If early years providers in Cambridgeshire require a word version of the forms then these can be accessed on the SENCo Knowledge Hub.

Early Years SEND Toolkit

This introductory guide to supporting children with emerging needs, special educational needs, or disabilities is an essential resource for:

  • Governors, Owners, and Committees in the Early Years Setting
  • Leaders and Managers in Early Years Settings
  • Early Years Setting SENCo
  • Early Years Practitioners
  • Childminders
  • Out of School Clubs

The toolkit explains the differing roles and responsibilities and the importance of a whole setting culture for supporting children with SEND.

Assess, Plan, Do, Review Forms

The Early Years SEND Team has a range of forms available to help providers implement a Graduated Approach to meet the needs of children with emerging needs and identified SEND. A Graduated approach involves a cycle of Assess, Plan, Do, and Review. The forms below should be seen as a tool to enhance high-quality inclusive practice and a differentiated approach.

If you are a setting SENCo and you require a word version of the documents please arrange to join the SENCo Knowledge Hub, where word versions of the documents are available to download.

The Council for Disabled Children

SEN and disability in the early years: A toolkit is an easy-to-read resource providing Setting SENCos with a wide range of information and ideas.


Email: ey.send@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

Telephone: 01223 706 129