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Statutory ECT Induction and the Early Career Framework FAQs

As of September 2023, Cambridgeshire County Council no longer runs an Appropriate Body/ ECT Induction Service.

If you have a query regarding the records for an ECT or NQT who was previously registered with Cambridgeshire ECT Induction Service, please contact Sam Collins via

New DfE statutory guidance for induction takes effect from September 2023. Any reference in the below FAQs to ‘paras’ refers to sections of this guidance. All Early Career Teachers need to access a two year induction period with 10% additional release time in year 1 and 5% in year 2. Each ECT will also need to have access to an Early Career Framework-based professional development programme and be allocated a Mentor and an Induction Tutor.  

Early Career Teacher (ECT)

Teacher who has gained QTS and has not yet completed induction.

Early Career Framework (ECF)

A framework of standards which sets out what early career teachers are entitled to learn about and learn how to do when they start their careers.

Teaching School Hub (TSH)

There are 87 TSHs across England, commissioned by the DfE to provide high-quality professional development to teachers at all stages of their careers.

Lead provider

6 national providers (Ambition Institute, Education Development Trust, Teach First, UCL IoE, Best Practice Network and National Institute of Teaching) commissioned by the DfE to design DfE funded ECF professional development programmes.

Delivery partner

An organisation (such as a Teaching School Hub) delivering a DfE funded ECF professional development programme (designed by a Lead Provider) in a local area.

Part 1: FAQs regarding the statutory induction process

Who is the Appropriate Body and what is their role?

It is a statutory requirement that Early Career Teachers are registered with an Appropriate Body, which has the main quality assurance role for induction. The Appropriate Body provides specialist advice, support and guidance on ECT induction for maintained schools, academies, free schools and independent schools.

From September 2023, the DfE has legislated that only Teaching School Hubs can act as the Appropriate Body for newly registered ECTs. There are 87 Teaching School Hubs across England, each with a designated geographical area of schools. In Cambridgeshire, the designated hub is the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Teaching School Hub. You can find a full list of Teaching School Hubs nationally here.

Please note, ECTs cannot start induction until they have been registered with an Appropriate Body.

In addition to registering ECTs with an Appropriate Body, schools also need to choose how they intend to provide an Early Career Framework professional development programme (see part 2 of FAQs) and notify the DfE of this choice (see part 3 of FAQs).

Does it matter which Early Career Framework professional development programme we choose?

You can read information from the DfE about Early Career Framework PD programme options here. Your choice of Early Career Framework PD programme is independent from your Appropriate Body. Although many schools may prefer to access both services from the same Teaching School Hub, you are still required to register your ECTs separately with the Appropriate Body service and the ECF programme.

Will legacy NQTs who started induction before September 2021 need to complete a 2 year induction?

Legacy NQTs who started their induction before September 2021 will still need to complete a one year induction period. They have until September 2023 to do this. If legacy NQTs don’t complete induction before this date, their induction will be extended to the equivalent of 2 years. Please note that legacy NQTs who have not completed by September 2023 and have therefore had their induction extended to two years are now able to access a DfE funded ECF PD programme. Contact your Appropriate Body for further details.

What happens if an ECT moves school after year 1 or at any other point during induction?

It is likely that some ECTs will be in this position if they are on a fixed term contract or if they choose to move schools/areas. If an ECT completes 3 terms (or any other number of terms) under the new induction, they will be able to ‘bank’ these terms and continue their induction at a different school. It is strongly recommended that the school and the ECT save a copy of all the termly reports before the ECT leaves the school.

If an ECT is moving schools or leaving your school you will need to notify your Appropriate Body and they will ensure that the ECT’s induction records with the Teaching Regulation Agency are up to date, that relevant liaison with their new Appropriate Body (if they have moved out of area) is completed and that termly reports are forwarded on. Schools will be asked to complete an interim formal assessment report where an ECT leaves a school midway through year 1 or year 2.

If your school is enrolled on a DfE funded ECF professional development programme (see part 2 of FAQs), you will also need to let your delivery partner know that the ECT is moving schools.

Do I need to register year 2 ECTs with the Appropriate Body?

If your year 2 ECT was employed at your school for year 1 of induction and is continuing at your school you will not need to re-register them with your Appropriate Body as their registration automatically continues into year 2.

If you have employed a year 2 ECT who is new to your school and completed year 1 (or any amount of induction) at a previous school you will need to register them with your Appropriate Body. If your school is enrolled on a DfE funded Early Career Framework PD programme you will also need to liaise with your delivery partner regarding getting your new ECT registered on to that programme.

What is the difference between the Mentor and the Induction Tutor?

The Mentor has a key role in providing formative support for ECTs and supporting ECTs with the Early Career Framework professional development programme and their ongoing personalised development needs. The role is separate to the role of the Induction Tutor. Mentors will ‘provide, or broker, effective support, including phase or subject specific mentoring and coaching’ (para 5.7).

The Induction Tutor will be responsible for co-ordinating induction and for assessment of the ECT against the Teachers’ Standards, including carrying out progress reviews and report writing.

How should schools select Mentors?

Mentors will usually:

  • be experienced phase/subject specialists
  • be enthusiastic and skilled teachers with excellent knowledge of pedagogy, their phase and/or their specialism
  • have a clear understanding of teacher learning and development
  • be committed to their own learning and development
  • be familiar/confident with literature in education

Mentors can receive regular training, support and access to self-study materials if the school chooses to enrol on a DfE funded Early Career Framework professional development programme via a delivery partner (see part 2 of FAQs).

How much time will Mentors need to carry out their role?

The statutory guidance states that ‘the mentor is expected to be given adequate time to carry out the role effectively and to meet the needs of the ECT. This includes attending regular mentoring sessions and mentor training where appropriate’ (para 2.42). The mentor will need time to become familiar with the Early Career Framework professional development programme and associated resources, attend training and work with the ECT. We suggest that the mentor will need at least 1 hour of protected time per week to meet with the ECT in year 1 and one hour per fortnight in year 2.

If your school is enrolled on a DfE funded ECF PD programme, mentors will also need to be released to attend training with the delivery partner.

How much time will Induction Tutors need to carry out their role?

The statutory guidance states that the Induction Tutor will ‘provide regular monitoring and support, and coordination of assessment…..the induction tutor must be given sufficient time to carry out the role effectively and to meet the needs of the ECT’ (para 2.41). The Induction Tutor will need some time to meet with the ECT at the start of induction to discuss their initial targets from their teacher training and discuss a personalised action plan. After this, good practice would be half termly meetings to discuss progress against the Teachers’ Standards. Induction Tutors will also need time to carry out observations and feedback (suggested once per half term in year 1 and one per term in year 2).

In large schools, we would also advise for there to be an Induction Lead in place to oversee the induction process as a whole (including the ECF professional development programme).

Can the Mentor and the Induction Tutor role be carried out by the same person?

Yes, this is possible in exceptional circumstances. Ideally, the two roles should be carried out by separate individuals.

Could a Mentor support more than one ECT?

Yes, as long as they have adequate time to work with the ECTs. Each ECT should have separate dedicated time to meet with the Mentor.

Do Appropriate Bodies provide training for Induction Tutors and Induction Leads?

All Appropriate Bodies should provide training for brand new Induction Tutors and Induction Leads so that they understand their role and responsibilities within the 2 year induction process. You should contact your Appropriate Body for further details. Appropriate Bodies may also provide update briefings/network meetings for current Induction Tutors and Induction Leads during the academic year.

Do Appropriate Bodies provide training for mentors?

No. If the school has enrolled on a DfE funded Early Career Framework PD programme, mentors will complete training aligned with that programme (see part 2 of FAQs). This is not delivered by the Appropriate Body. It will be provided by the school’s chosen delivery partner.

If the school has chosen to deliver it’s own ECF PD programme using accredited materials or has designed it’s own programme (see part 2 of FAQs), the school is responsible for ensuring that mentors are appropriately trained.

N.B. Mentors who are also acting as Induction Tutors should complete both training for Induction Tutors (provided by the Appropriate Body) and for Mentors.

Is there a model ECT Induction policy available?

It is now statutory for schools to have an ECT induction policy in place. Your Appropriate Body may have an example ECT Induction policy that you can access as a starting point to develop your own.

What is the ECT Manager website for?

Many Appropriate Bodies use a website called ECT Manager to support the registration and administration of statutory induction. The Headteacher, Induction Tutor, Induction Lead (if applicable) and ECT will all have a login to this website. New ECTs should be registered on this website before they start induction. The ECT Manager website is where Induction Tutors, Headteachers and ECTs can access guidance documents, relevant proformas and resources to support with the statutory induction process. The website is also where the termly progress reports and end of year formal assessment reports against the Teachers’ Standards will be completed and submitted to the Appropriate Body.

Please note that if your school has enrolled ECTs and Mentors onto a DfE funded ECF professional development programme, the online content for this programme will not be accessed on the ECT Manager website. ECT Manager is only for Appropriate Body use. You will be provided with separate login details for an online PD platform from your chosen ECF delivery partner.

How are ECTs assessed?

ECTs are assessed against the Teachers’ Standards and a report is submitted to the Appropriate Body each term via the ECT Manager website. The Induction Tutor (and Induction Lead where appropriate) are responsible for setting targets, monitoring and evaluating progress against the Teacher’s Standards. Further guidance on structuring the induction process in school and best practice for assessing ECTs is provided in training for new Induction Tutors and Induction Leads.

Part 2: FAQs regarding Early Career Framework professional development programme options

What are the options for delivering an ECF-based professional development programme?

Schools are expected to deliver an induction period that is underpinned by the Early Career Framework (ECF), an evidence-based programme of professional development for ECTs and mentors (see para 2.39). The Early Career Framework professional development programme is not assessed; it is a tool to support ECTs and Mentors with their practice.

There are three approaches schools can choose from:

  1. A DfE funded programme, designed by one of the Lead Providers (Ambition Institute, UCL, Teach First, Education Development Trust, Best Practice Network or National Institute of Teaching) and delivered via a delivery partner (such as a Teaching School Hub or MAT). Your ECTs and mentors will have access to an online learning platform for self-study and training sessions/conferences.
  2. Use DfE accredited materials to deliver your own training: There are four different programmes with accredited materials to choose from. You can access an overview of each programme here. Your school/trust will need to plan and deliver the programme using the accredited materials. You will also need to consider how you will ensure mentors are appropriately trained.
  3. Design and deliver your own ECF-based training: Schools/trusts will need to independently design their own training programme for ECTs. Staff planning induction are expected to reference the ‘learn that’ and ‘learn how to’ statements from the Early Career Framework which can be found online here. You will also need to consider how you will ensure mentors are appropriately trained.

N.B. If schools choose option 2 or 3, your Appropriate Body will need to fidelity-check your programme before induction starts as well as during the induction period itself.

The DfE are strongly encouraging schools to access the DfE funded programme where possible as this enables schools to access a structured programme of training for ECTs and mentors, which will be quality assured by Ofsted.

What will fidelity checking of option 2 and 3 approaches involve?

The Appropriate Body will require you to complete an initial fidelity checking form outlining your ECF professional development programme and how it aligns with the DfE accredited materials (option 2) and the Early Career Framework statements (option 3). Your Appropriate Body will provide guidance on how to complete these forms. The Appropriate Body will then provide formative feedback on your planned programme and arrange any follow up discussions as necessary.

In year 1, your Appropriate Body will complete a visit to find out how your ECF training has been implemented, to check that you are providing the programme as planned. This visit may be part of a wider Quality Assurance visit (focused on the whole induction process) and will involve meeting with the Headteacher, Induction Lead, mentors and ECTs. Formative feedback will be provided.

In year 2 it is likely that either another visit will take place, or an implementation report will need to be provided to us. Due to the additional work involved with fidelity checking, the Appropriate Body will apply an additional charge for this service. Contact your Appropriate Body for further details.

Will schools who choose option 2 have to pay for the DfE accredited materials?

No, the DfE accredited materials are provided free of charge by the DfE. However, in order to deliver an ECF-based induction with these materials, the school will need to spend time planning the programme and ensuring it aligns with their chosen materials. No training for ECTs or mentors is provided directly by the lead provider for this option.

What funding is available for schools with ECTs?

Year 1: No additional funding is available for year 1 (schools already receive funding for ECT release time and mentor time under the school funding formula).

Year 2: All schools will receive funding from the DfE to cover the 5% ECT release time in year 2 (£1200) and for 20 hours of mentoring in year 2 (£900). This funding will be received directly from the DfE near the end of year 2.

In addition, schools choosing a DfE funded ECF programme via a delivery partner will receive additional funding to cover mentor training time over the 2 years of the programme. This will consist of 36 hours per mentor over two years (approx. £1500). Schools receive this in two instalments – one at the end of year 1 and one at the end of year 2.

You can find further information from the DfE about funding here.

Are independent schools eligible for the funding?

Independent schools are not eligible to access the DfE funding for ECT release time or mentor release time in year 2. They are also not eligible to access the DfE funded ECF PD programme. Independent schools who wish to offer statutory induction for their ECTs will need to register their ECTs with an Appropriate Body as usual and choose either option 2 or 3 to deliver their ECF professional development programme. Their ECF programme will need to be fidelity checked by the Appropriate Body.

Can schools choose any DfE funded ECF programme run by a Lead Provider?

The DfE have commissioned seven lead providers nationally to design the DfE funded ECF professional development programme for ECTs and mentors. These are Ambition Institute, Teach First, Education Development Trust, UCL Institute of Education, Best Practice Network and the National Institute of Teaching. Each lead provider is working with local delivery partners to roll out their programmes (Teaching School Hubs and in some cases MATs), therefore your choice may be limited by the programmes delivered by your local delivery partners.

If your school has a preference for one of the Lead Provider programmes, you can get in touch with the Lead Provider to find out where your nearest delivery partner is. Click here for information about each Lead Provider programme.

Part 3: FAQs regarding next steps for registering ECTs

Who do we need to register with and how do we do this?

Here are the key actions that schools need to take. 

  1. ALL schools with ECTs need to do this step.

Register your ECTs with an Appropriate Body for statutory induction. ECTs cannot start induction until they have been registered with an Appropriate Body.

  1. Only do this step if your school has chosen to access a DfE funded ECF professional development programme or to deliver an ECF programme using accredited materials.

Use the DfE early career teacher portal to register the details of your induction lead, ECTs and mentors.

  • Select the ECF professional development programme you have chosen from the options listed.
  • If you have chosen a DfE funded programme, you will also need to select your choice of delivery partner.
  • You can find further information about choosing an ECF professional development programme here.