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Cambridgeshire Schools Finance

The Schools Finance Team work with Cambridgeshire Schools, Schools Forum and other key stakeholders to meet statutory requirements in respect of a range of finance functions.

In the following sections you will find a range of documents which deal with the financing and financial management of maintained schools, as well as other key information that may also be helpful to academies and academy trusts.

Some of the documents will only be needed by schools very occasionally, others on a more regular basis. As such we would expect those within the school who have responsibility for financial matters, both governors and officers, to understand where relevant information can be accessed.

Budgets & Funding contains details of the latest financial year budgets for maintained schools and illustrative allocations for academies.  This section also includes guidance documents to support the main funding allocations and links to other relevant sources of information.

Absence Schemes and Contingencies contains relevant guidance for nursery and primary schools in respect of the pooled absence schemes, and maintained primary schools in respect of maternity cover and general contingency.

Corporate Requirements includes information on the required submissions from schools, alongside specific guidance on closedown and other key annual processes.  This section also includes the latest Scheme for Financing Schools and accompanying appendices.

Education Finance (Traded Services) provides details of the Education Finance support packages available to schools alongside the latest Hints and Tips from the termly finance forums.

If there is any additional financial information schools feel it would be useful to be included in these pages please let us know as we welcome your thoughts and views for further improvements. 


Other useful links:

Schools Funding on Cambridgeshire County Council website - includes Section 251 Budget and Outturn Statements:

Schools Forum - includes papers and minutes from meetings of Cambridgeshire Schools forum: